One cycle control ( OCC) for power electronics converter using reset integrator has been widely studied. 采用积分复位的单周控制方法在变换器控制领域得到了广泛的研究。
Second, the results of theory analysis and simulation research show that the output of one cycle controlled bridge switching power amplifier have DC offset because of the nonideal characteristic of reset signal. 其次,理论分析和仿真研究结果表明,由于复位脉冲的非理想特性,单周控制的全桥开关功率放大器输出端存在直流偏置问题,其大小与复位脉冲的宽度成正比。
At this stage One Cycle Control are based on the analog control, the analog circuits of rapid reset and constant coefficient integrator are need. 现阶段单周控制基本上都是采用模拟控制的方式,需要通过模拟电路来实现一个可以快速复位的积分器和一个稳定的积分常数。
The designed OCC system can cancel error in every cycle and obtain high power factor by using reset integrator. 在所设计的单周期控制系统中,通过复位积分器,能在一个周期内消除误差,实现较好的功率因数校正。